Thank you for assisting us in aiding and reducing homeless companion animals in our regions. Members of Friends are here to assist you, if you have questions. Following our procedures enables us to contain costs and help more animals.

To learn more and to APPLY to be a foster please click this link: Apply to be a Foster!

For information on Fostering or Kitten Bottle Feeding please email:

Sue at   OR   Val at

Fostering Shelter Kittens

When you pick up kittens at the Shelter, you will be provided with food and litter supplies.

Please house your kittens in a separate room away from your other pets and socialize with them as frequently as you are able.

Every two weeks call for an appointment with the Shelter to monitor weight and to administer vaccines.

When your kittens reach two pounds, call the Shelter (609-978-0127) to have the kittens placed on a list for spay/neuter by county employed veterinarian.

If you encounter problems (non-eating, lethargy, diarrhea,) call the Shelter to see the tech or veterinarian.

If the vet tech or veterinarian are not available and it is an emergency situation have the Shelter seek approval from Friends to bring the feline to Barnegat Animal Clinic.

Friends’ Kittens

Please house the kittens in a separate room away from your pets and socialize with them as frequently as you are able.

Call your contact volunteer fo advice and medication when needed and to schedule veterinary appointments when your foster shows signs of illness.

Please monitor and weigh the kittens and when the feline reaches two pounds call your Friend’s volunteer who will set up an appointment for spay/neuter services with one of our veterinarians.

Over the years, our people have developed a great deal of expertise in caring for young kittens, please seek help from your Friend’s contact first.

A great resource on fostering and taking care of kittens is the Kitten Lady.  Here is the link to her webinars: