An abandoned domestic cat living on its own and without human contact is considered feral. Cats in this category have a short lifespan but do play an important role in the food chain (small rodents). Controlling the feral cat population protects the environment while keeping nature’s balance.
The Friends humanely traps feral cats, provides spay/neutering treatment, vaccination, and ear tipping (the universal symbol of a neutered, vaccinated cat). TNR program needs trappers and fosters for kittens until big enough to be spayed/neutered, micro chipped and adopted. We will work to control feral colonies where citizens agree to provide food and water so the animals can live out their lives without reproducing.
If you are aware of cats needing to be trapped, please call/text Linda – 609-709-8583 or Val – 609-661-3817. When contacting us, please be sure to give us your location. With your help, we can spay/neuter these cats BEFORE the kittens appear!
Download the TNR Instructions Form: